Rather than using a single, monochromatic shade of purple for your wedding, we think that using shades of purple creates a much more modern and contemporary look! Inspired by our post on these two toned modern purple wedding invitations, we put together a little purple wedding inspiration taken from our purple wedding board on Pinterest.

While we love the multiple shades of purple used on our Modern Luxe wedding invites (this set featured was done in amethyst, grape and eggplant), doing multiple shades of purple also works very well in the flower bouquets and centerpieces, along with the pretty ombre wedding cake above. In addition to using multiple hues of violet on individual items, you can also break things up by highlighting different shades of purple in different parts of your decor. The lilac flats featured above really strike a bold contrast against the vibrant grape chocolate pastries.

Because the first preview of your big day starts with the wedding invitations, your stationery is an excellent jumping off point for your overall color palette. Don't be afraid to play with color, you might be surprised at the fun combinations you can come up with!
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